
NeuraMetrix’ Mission is to support Neurologists and Psychiatrists with an accurate digital biomarker to detect, monitor, and assess the efficacy of a particular treatment for various Neurological diseases and Psychiatric disorders
NeuraMetrix, Inc. set out to rid the world of passwords. The team searched for strong behavioral biometrics i.e. strong habits. Habits must be mimicked which is far more difficult for the bad guys to hack. The company studied various habits and found Typing Cadence (the rhythm with which we type on a keyboard) to be an extremely strong habit. The company then pursued to develop a product for continuous authentication of enterprise employees.

In a meeting, someone suggested that the NeuraMetrix technology ought to be able to detect Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). This intrigued our co-founder, Jan Samzelius, to seek advice from an AD expert. After a search, Jan was introduced to Dr. Robert W. Mahley, M.D. Ph.D., President Emeritus and Founder, Gladstone Institutes, Senior Investigator, Gladstone Institute of Neurological Disease, Professor of Pathology and Medicine, University of California San Francisco, and mentor to the 2012 Nobel Prize winner in the medicine category. Twenty minutes into the conversation, Dr. Mahley exclaimed, “This is what we have been looking to find for 30 years!” That afternoon, we pivoted the company to a neurotech company.
As a result, we developed the NeuraMetrix brain measuring tool which allows for dramatically better care of patients with various neurological diseases and psychiatric disorders.

NeuraMetrix Timeline

NeuraMetrix Company TimelineNeuraMetrix Company Timeline
NeuraMetrix today consists of ten experienced team members spread across the United States, Europe, and Asia. The company has raised funding from equity and convertible note investments.